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Our Story
Angela started MOM & BAB in 2015, while on maternity leave, after they moved across the country. She's always wanted to create an e-commerce business and really enjoyed being able to care for her baby and watch her grow. She's passionate about preserving the environment and reducing single use plastic items.
MOM & BAB has given away 40 pairs of wet bags during the pandemic to front line workers, hospital and care home staff, so they can store their soiled scrubs and clothing, and throw directly in the wash with the bag. This helps to reduce cross-contamination and increases their peace of mind.
MOM & BAB is happy to offer an easy and effective alternative to plastic bags, as our products do not contribute to landfills, and saves you money as well. We've taken in countless feedback and testing to make the best bag possible.
We stand by our products and superior customer service 100% and have always stood by our lifetime product replacement guarantee and no-hassle return policy.

MOM & BAB is a proud supporter of Plan International, Kurandza, Plastic Oceans and the Shoebox Project
Founded in 1937, Plan International is one of the oldest and largest international development organizations. They work to collaborate with millions of people around the world to end global poverty. Not for profit, independent, and inclusive of all faiths and cultures, they have only one agenda: to improve the lives of children. Angela has been sponsoring these two children for over ten years. She is also sponsoring the schooling of a girl through Kurdanza. Since launching their first education program in 2017, Kurandza has been providing holistic schooling for over 250 girls who wouldn’t have access otherwise. The Shoebox Project provides local women impacted with homelessness with gifts and essentials all year long. 100% of all proceeds go towards helping women in local shelters and community agencies serving women impacted by homelessness across Canada

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